Archive for April, 2010

I’m the biggest loser? In more ways than one.

April 9, 2010

My wife recently sent me an invite to join this website in order to participate in the 50 pound challenge in three months. It’s a weird coincidence that she found the challenge because lately we’ve started watching what we eat. I’ve actually dropped fifteen pounds since the beginning of the year. I’ve done it simply by changing what I eat when I go out. I used to be a big fan of the Big Mac meal at McDonalds until I saw the calorie count. I knew it was fattening, but I had no idea of how serious it is, especially the fries. I’d probably be better off grilling dynamite sticks for dinner. Also, the Eat This, Not That books really opened my eyes to what I eat. I now make better food choices when I have no choice but to eat at fast food restaurants. It’s crap, but at least I can put off a heart explosion for a few more years.

Another reason why I chose to participate in the challenge is because of procrastination. My lazy butt is currently attending college, and they have a building specifically for recreation. In other words, they have Tennis, basketball courts, an olympic size swimming pool, cardio room, and a weight room. I went to workout there for an incredible amount of two times. Not once, but twice. Since February. Of this year.

Truthfully, I have no excuse not to work out since I go to the campus three times a week for class. Because of the semester, I can use their facilities for free until September, when the new semester starts. Of course, I will most likely be registered for the fall semester, so I will still be able to use the gym for free. I’ll admit that I kinda don’t want to go because they have an open shower area. I could either smell like ass till I get home, or look at man ass in the shower. Since I’m going to do the challenge, I’ll just have to shower there and just try to get through that awkwardness.

So now, I’m 5’10” and I weigh 220lbs and the fifty pound challenge would get me down to 170lbs. That seems kinda low to me, but I’ll probably just lose the weight for the challenge and then bulk up in the weight room after. It’s not the first time that I’ve worked out. Ten years ago I was in good shape. I used to work out all the time and was able to run the entire Coney Island boardwalk, back and forth. The seedy characters who would be hanging around there at night helped motivate me to run faster. I want to get back into jogging as well. When I was running on the regular, I used to feel so much energy, even at the end of the day. It was a good feeling and I miss it. I figure that the challenge will motivate me to actually get my butt in gear. Wish me luck!

The Cadbury Egg

April 4, 2010


Every Springtime near Easter, all sorts of delicious candies are sold. One staple sticks out from the rest. The Cadbury Eggs define what Easter candy should be. My eyes light up when they appear in the supermarket, early in the year. I can never wait to bite into the hard chocolate shell and enjoy the sugary cream with white and yellow inside. The sugary, diabetes inducing deliciousness has me hooked. I always end hoarding them during the after Easter sale. As the years have gone by, they were kind enough to release a caramel (or Car-mel) flavored egg, and then an orange flavored one. Although they are all good in their own way, the original tastes best, in my humble opinion.
